Category: General

Myths, Suppression, and the Complex Realities of E...

The idea of limitless, clean energy is a tantalizing one. For decades, stories have circulated of brilliant inventors creating mir...

Beginners Guide to Graphic Design

Beginners Guide to Graphic Design | 45 Episode FREE Series" and offering resources for learning:

Technical Interview Questions Developers Should Kn...

A curated list of lists of technical interview questions. Feel free to contribute!


A curated list of awesome places to learn and/or practice algorithms. Inspired by awesome-awesomeness and all the other awesome Aw...

Awesome CS Courses

This list is an attempt to bring to light those awesome CS courses which make their high-quality materials, i.e. assignments, lect...

Ubuntu Commands and Their Functions

Ubuntu is better, faster, and easier than Windows in a number of ways

University of the People (UoPeople): A Revolution ...

University of the People (UoPeople) is the world's first tuition-free, non-profit, accredited online university. It was founded in...