Category: Technology
Quick Glossary: Cybersecurity Attacks
It doesn’t matter whether your organization is a huge multinational business enterprise or a one-person operation. At some point, ...
How to Build an Effective Security Operations Cent...
Taking a coordinated security approach is one way to leave no loopholes. By this, we are referring to a cybersecurity architecture...
10 Ways AI Can Help Organizations Tackle Cyberatta...
Legacy security measures, while offering a baseline level of protection, heavily rely on predefined signatures and a narrow defini...
Mobile Device Computing Policy
Mobile devices are a way of life in both the consumer and business realms — and business interests must be protected where the two...
IT Leader’s Guide to Two-Factor Authentication
Cybersecurity threats are multiplying with each passing year. They are growing more sophisticated, as shown by the continued succe...
P2P File Sharing Policy
The use of email systems to send large files has become obsolete. P2P file-sharing networks make it easy for users to exchange dat...
Patch Management Policy
Patching of operating systems, applications, and devices is not usually ranked as a favorite endeavor of IT professionals, but it’...
How to Spot a Phishing Email Attempt
Phishing attacks are one of the most common types of data breach attempts, with 3.4 billion phishing emails being sent every singl...
Penetration Testing and Scanning Policy
System or network vulnerabilities and security threats can severely impact business operations or even shutter its doors. However,...
Quick Glossary: Encryption
The overall success of a business is often dependent on its ability to effectively share, transfer, and process vast amounts of da...
Social Engineering Awareness Policy
Recent technological advancements have made people and things more interconnected. Unfortunately, people with malicious intent are...
Quick Glossary: Malware
Malware is an insidious infection that will steal productivity from your enterprise and potentially wreak havoc on your network. T...
How to Run a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment in 5 St...
Though cybersecurity is on every executive’s checklist today, most struggle with growing compliance burdens, keeping the costs mod...
A Guide to Business Email Compromise Attacks
Email-based cyberattacks are rampant. If we go by figures, the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency reports that ...
TechnologyAdvice Industry Trend Report: The Securi...
Cyber threats are getting smarter, and businesses can’t afford to fall behind. This TechnologyAdvice Industry Trend Report, sponso...
Best Practices for Password Creation and Storage
Nearly half of Americans, 46%, have had a password stolen in the previous year. Out of all the accounts that were breached, more t...
RFP Templates and Guidebook
A request for proposal is a common method for soliciting vendor quotes and answers about potential product or service offerings. T...
How to Scan for IP Addresses on Your Network with ...
Are you having trouble remembering what IP addresses are in use on your network? Jack Wallen shows you how to discover those addre...
Top 8 Software Development Technologies to Conside...
Discover the latest software development technologies shaping the industry today and for the year ahead.
Hiring Kit: iOS Developer
Designing, coding, and implementing mobile applications for Apple-based hardware requires the programming skills of an iOS develop...