Kevin Costner's Only Horror Movie Is Awful

Some verified turkeys, including the tedious erotic slasher 'Shadows Run Black,' marked Kevin Costner's early career.

Kevin Costner's Only Horror Movie Is Awful

The horror genre has not been universally held in high regard since its inception, often seen as sensational and problematic, sparking the ire of religious and political groups. This attitude toward the genre has softened to become more socially acceptable with time, but many big-name Hollywood actors have seemingly avoided participating in it throughout their careers. Or they, in the case of Brad Pitt (Cutting Class) and Tom Hanks (He Knows You're Alone), have made their major debut in the genre but quickly moved away from it. These early performances offer a fascinating glimpse at the actors in a genre they are not known for, and some are quite good. However, Kevin Costner managed to star in one embarrassingly bad horror film he would rather forget.

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