The Most Dysfunctional Mother-Son Movie Relationships

From the disinterested to the downright suffocating, here’s a list of mother-son film relationships you’ll be happy not to be a part of.

The Most Dysfunctional Mother-Son Movie Relationships

They say no love is stronger than a mother's for her child. While this bond can create great things and nurture a child to be a better person, the opposite can also be true, and a mother's love can be misguided, awkward, or downright malicious. Cinema has also been an ideal place to explore these awkward relationships, with movies like 1981's Mommie Dearest becoming synonyms with broken family relationships under a misguided matriarch. Yet, when it comes to mother-son relationships, things can get a bit messy (just ask the Greek gods), and these tales of exaggerated or frighteningly realistic family connections can make for some unsettling and uncomfortable films.

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