Khan Academy: A free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere

Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization that provides free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. It offers interactive practice problems, articles, and videos across a wide range of academic subjects, including math, science, history, economics, finance, grammar, and more.

Khan Academy: A free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere

Khan Academy's resources are designed to help students learn at their own pace and master concepts at their own level. The videos are clear and engaging, and the practice problems are challenging and rewarding. Khan Academy also offers a variety of tools and features to help teachers and parents track student progress and provide support.

Features of Khan Academy

Here are some of the key features of Khan Academy:

  • Personalized learning: Khan Academy uses artificial intelligence to create a personalized learning experience for each student. The platform tracks student progress and identifies areas where they need additional support.
  • Mastery-based learning: Khan Academy students progress at their own pace and only move on to the next concept once they have mastered the current one. This helps students to develop a deep understanding of the material.
  • Interactive practice problems: Khan Academy offers a variety of interactive practice problems that help students to solidify their understanding of concepts. The problems provide immediate feedback and allow students to track their progress over time.
  • Engaging videos: Khan Academy's videos are clear, engaging, and informative. They are taught by Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, and other experienced educators.
  • Teacher and parent tools: Khan Academy offers a variety of tools and features to help teachers and parents track student progress and provide support. Teachers can create assignments, track student performance, and provide feedback. Parents can see how their children are doing and help them to stay on track.

Why you should use Khan Academy

There are many reasons why you should use Khan Academy, including:

  • It's free: Khan Academy is a non-profit organization and all of its resources are completely free to use.
  • It's world-class: Khan Academy's resources are developed by experienced educators and are used by students all over the world.
  • It's personalized: Khan Academy uses artificial intelligence to create a personalized learning experience for each student.
  • It's mastery-based: Khan Academy students progress at their own pace and only move on to the next concept once they have mastered the current one.
  • It's interactive: Khan Academy offers a variety of interactive practice problems and videos that help students to learn and retain information.
  • It's accessible: Khan Academy's resources are available in over 36 languages and can be accessed on any device with an internet connection.

How to use Khan Academy

Khan Academy is easy to use. Simply visit the Khan Academy website or download the Khan Academy app on your mobile device. Create an account and start learning!

If you're a student, you can use Khan Academy to learn new concepts at your own pace, practice for upcoming exams, or get help with homework. You can also use Khan Academy to prepare for college or a career.

If you're a teacher, you can use Khan Academy to create assignments for your students, track their progress, and provide feedback. You can also use Khan Academy to supplement your lessons and provide extra support for your students.

If you're a parent, you can use Khan Academy to help your children with their homework, track their progress, and see how they are doing in school. You can also use Khan Academy to learn new things yourself and stay engaged in your children's education.


Khan Academy is a powerful and versatile educational platform that can be used by students, teachers, and parents of all ages. It offers a variety of features and resources that can help people to learn and grow. If you're looking for a free, world-class education, Khan Academy is a great place to start.

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