Geekbench ML Benchmark App Now Supports Linux
Wondering how your current Linux system will handle AI and ML-related workloads? Well, now you can find out. Primate Labs, makers of the hugely popular Geekbench software, has released a new preview build of their machine-learning benchmarking tool, Geekbench ML. And it now supports Linux. Geekbench ML launched on Android and iOS a few years back. But with Intel and AMD adding neural processing capabilities to their latest chips to power ML-accelerated workflows on desktop PCs and laptops, this app is branching out too. The new Geekbench ML 0.6 preview the first to support Linux, Windows, and macOS. While the […] You're reading Geekbench ML Benchmark App Now Supports Linux, a blog post from OMG! Ubuntu. Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission.

Wondering how your current Linux system will handle AI and ML-related workloads? Well, now you can find out. Primate Labs, makers of the hugely popular Geekbench software, has released a new preview build of their machine-learning benchmarking tool, Geekbench ML. And it now supports Linux. Geekbench ML launched on Android and iOS a few years back. But with Intel and AMD adding neural processing capabilities to their latest chips to power ML-accelerated workflows on desktop PCs and laptops, this app is branching out too. The new Geekbench ML 0.6 preview the first to support Linux, Windows, and macOS. While the […]
You're reading Geekbench ML Benchmark App Now Supports Linux, a blog post from OMG! Ubuntu. Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission.
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