eXpense Manager

Take Control with Custom Budgets and Time Periods

eXpense Manager

Personalize budgets with monthly, weekly, daily, or custom time periods.
Selectively add transactions to specific budgets for focused expense tracking.
Set category spending limits per budget for responsible spending.

Unparalleled Transaction Management Features:

Categorize transactions effectively with support for different types like upcoming, subscription, repeating, debts, and credit.
Create personalized categories and automate transaction assignments for streamlined organization.
Easily search, filter, and edit transactions with intuitive tools.

Unleash Financial Flexibility:

Manage multiple currencies and accounts effortlessly with up-to-date conversion rates.
Seamlessly switch between accounts and currencies on the homepage with automatic conversion.

Unrivaled Security and Accessibility:

Secure your data with biometric authentication for added privacy.
Simplify authentication with Google Login for a hassle-free experience.

Impeccable User Experience and Design:

Experience a visually stunning Material You design for a delightful user interface.
Personalize the app with custom accent colors and enjoy seamless light and dark mode transitions.
Customize your home screen for quick access to financial insights with detailed graph visuals.

Effortless Backup and Syncing:

Keep your data synchronized across all devices for uninterrupted access.
Safeguard your data with Google Drive backup for peace of mind.

Experience Smart Automation:

Stay on top of your finances with timely notifications and reminders.
Seamlessly import financial data from CSV files or Google Sheets for a smooth transition.

Download now and transform your financial journey with our cutting-edge budget management app!

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